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[AES Pacific NW Section - Seatle USA]
Around the Puget Sound, Seattle, Washington, U.S.A.

Summer 2024 Meeting Notice

PNW Section Election Results

Special Event

The Society of Broadcast Engineers has invited us to join their group in a transmitter crawl (aka tour) and picnic on Vashon Island. The big three AM radio stations in Seattle have their transmitter sites on Vashon-Maury Island. Each of these runs at the 50kw legal power limit and all have directional antenna arrays. This is a rare opportunity to see the transmitter sites and to picnic with the local broadcast community. Details can be found at:

Note that your RSVP is requested (see the flyer), and if you want to join the picnic, you'll need to bring food. Since this takes place on an island, it's a short voyage from the Fauntleroy terminal on a Washington State Ferry.

Summer Meeting Notice

The June meeting marked the wrap for the 2023-2024 meeting season for our Section. We'll take the summer months off to recharge our batteries, vacate as required, and plan the coming year's meetings. If you have a meeting idea, please let any of the officers or committee know... Our meetings resume with the September 2024 meeting. Watch this space!

Election Results

The Officers and Committee election was held at our June meeting. Jess Berg was elected to be the Vice Chair for the 2024-2025 year. The 2024-2025 Committee stands as follows:
  1. Jayney Wallick
  2. Luke Pacholski
  3. Bob Smith
  4. Rod Evenson
  5. Matthew Sutton
  6. Michael Ashton
  7. Micah Hayes
  8. Jim Rondinelli
  9. Erin Shellman
  10. jj Johnston

We hope to see you at our September meeting. Watch this space!

Dan Mortensen
AES PNW 2022-2025 Section Chair

n.b. The material presented at our meetings is the opinion of the presenter and not necessarily that of the Society. You are encouraged to conduct your own research and to form your own opinions before adopting the presented material as Truth.