Location: Zoom
Moderated by: Chip Powell
Speaker(s): Marc Gallo
Marc A. Gallo, a music producer and sound designer for Mind The Gap®, will discuss the techniques and strategies in designing sound and music for the Award-Winner TARAC WIPPP Trailer, a musical animation by the political satirist Gallospole. The primary focus will be on the use of the Perceived Space Graph by musEDlab and how it assisted in visualizing the soundtrack for the TARAC WIPPP animation. This presentation will be demonstrated on the DAW, Digital Performer by MOTU. Gallo has lectured about sound design and music production at numerous colleges and universities. For more info, please visit https://marcagallo.info
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Posted: Saturday, February 6, 2021
Comcast RJR Forum, Dolby Vision and Meyer Sound Powered Atmos Theater
Location: Comcast Technology Center, 1800 Arch St, Philadelphia, PA 19103
Moderated by: Chip Powell
Speaker(s): Ceri Thomas from Dolby Labs
ALERT - This event is being postponed until the danger of COVID-19 community transmission has passed. We will attempt to reschedule as soon as Comcast offers us an alternate date.
Come learn about the evolution of surround sound formats and the core concepts, tools and workflows that have made Dolby Atmos the latest advance in the immersive audio field. Ceri Thomas from Dolby Labs will present what the Dolby Atmos Music initiative is doing to enhance the music production and listening experience. Expect to see and hear numerous examples of this work in Philadelphia’s premier state-of-the-art Dolby Vision and Atmos (32ch Meyer Sound) presentation theatre, the RJR Forum, on the Comcast campus.
Fifty early arrivers will also have an opportunity to experience the Comcast Universal Sphere. Designed in collaboration with DreamWorks, the Universal Sphere show will take you on a full immersive journey celebrating human creativity and the world of ideas. Consider it the appetizer to the evening’s main course.
Upon entering the building take the escalator to the 2nd floor lobby to be checked in. Please try to be punctual. After 6:15 PM it will be too late to join us.
Posted: Sunday, February 9, 2020
Location: Temple University, Presser Hall (Music Building), Room 142, 2001 N 13th St, Philadelphia, PA 19122
Moderated by: Jules Keenan and Christopher Uzokwe
Speaker(s): Gary Gottlieb, Eastern Region Vice President, Co-Chair, AES Historical Committee and Conference Policy Committee, Audio Engineering Society
When we consider the future of the audio industry, we look to audio students and other young audio professionals. What are the lessons they need to draw from history? Let’s take a look at history ourselves in an attempt to understand the lessons that are available.
One day Chet Atkins was playing guitar when a woman approached him. She said, "That guitar sounds beautiful". Chet immediately quit playing. He asked, "How does it sound now?"
The quality of sound in Chet’s case clearly rested with the player, not the instrument, and the technical and aesthetic quality of our product lies with our engineers and producers, not with the equipment. The dual significance of this question, “How does it sound now”, informed my research from 2007 - 2010 and will inform our discussion, since it addresses both the engineer as the driver and the changes we have seen and heard as our methodology evolved through the decades. The book that resulted from this research, “How Does It Sound Now?” received the 2010 ARSC Award for Excellence in Historical Recorded Sound Research for the Best Research in General History of Recorded Sound.
One of the most interesting facets of the research, comprised of interviews with top engineers and producers, was the way the conversation kept returning to the thread of quality. They loved to talk about how they strived for quality then, and still do.
Let’s talk about how engineers and producers retain quality and create a product that conforms to their own high standards. This may lead to other conversations about musicians, consumers, and the differences and similarities between their standards and our own. It will certainly lead to a discussion of methods to empower young engineers to challenge their clients to strive to create the highest quality product possible.
It will also touch on internships and mentorship, and what young engineers need to know to survive in the changing job market.
Posted: Saturday, November 9, 2019
Location: Drexel University, URBN Annex Screening Room, 3501 Market St, Philadelphia, PA 19104
Moderated by: Chip Powell, Chair AES Philadelphia Section
Speaker(s): David Muddiman, Owner Starground Audio; Delaware Authorized Dealer Meyer Sound
David Muddiman has been designing and deploying sound systems based on Meyer Sound components for years. Trained by the master himself, Bob McCarthy, Dave's workflow starts with taking room measurements to input into Meyer's MAPP XT System Design Software to model the loudspeaker to room interface; creating a 3D CAD walk through movie for client presentation; using the Meyer SIM3 Dual FFT Analyzer to guide and verify the on-site deployment; and the Galileo Loudspeaker Management Processor to set and monitor system alignment parameters. We'll demo selected elements of this workflow live and discuss a design Dave will set up later this year for the 50th Annual Woodstock Reunion held on Max Yasgur's Farm in Bethel, NY with Bill Handley, the man who built the original Woodstock Festival system. Please RSVP to [email protected]
Posted: Wednesday, March 13, 2019
Location: WHYY, 150 N. Sixth Street on Independence Mall in Philadelphia, between Race and Arch Streets.
Moderated by: Joyce Lieberman, WHYY Radio Engineering Supervisor, Vice-Chair AES Philadelphia Section
Speaker(s): Scott Petersen (Chair Festival Recording/Archive Committee, Philadelphia Folk Society) and Jim Jackson (Festival Recording Technical Lead)
Together Scott and Jim coordinate the archival recording operations of the folk festival. Over the course of the evening we'll discuss how they plan for, execute and document their work; tricks of the trade and the complexities of interfacing with live sound and film crews. With a little luck, sample recordings and an ample supply of war stories will punctuate the presentation. Please join us for a fascinating look behind the scenes at one of our regions most storied cultural events. RSVP: [email protected] if you plan on attending.
Posted: Monday, February 11, 2019
Location: TBD in Center City, Philadelphia
Moderated by: Felicia Doggett - Metropolitan Acoustics, Philadelphia Section Chair - Acoustical Society of America
Speaker(s): Alex Case - Associate Professor & Graduate Coordinator - Sound Recording Technology, Univ of Lowell, MA
Alex Case has worn many hats being an educator, acoustic consultant, recording engineer, author and past President of AES. His presentations are always entertaining and enlightening. So mark your calendars for this "Salon with the Masters" event and please check back for more details regarding the evening's topic, time and place once we're closer to the date. In the meantime you can read Alex's blog @ http://recordingology.com/
Posted: Monday, October 29, 2018
Location: Philadelphia Navel Yard, 1000 Kitty Hawk Ave, Philadelphia, PA 19112.
Moderated by: Felicia Doggett - Metropolitan Acoustics, Philadelphia Section Chair - Acoustical Society of America
Speaker(s): Thomas Miller
Info from Presenter: The facility is located in the Naval Surface Warfare Center Philadelphia Division (NSWCPD) Machinery Silencing Complex. You will be able to tour our Large Scale Anechoic Chamber (which is actually semi-anechoic because it has a solid floor). We will demonstrate advanced measurements capabilities including Sound Intensity, a Polytec Scanning Laser Vibrometer (http://www.dbkes.com.tr/brosur/psv_400.pdf), and Bruel&Kjaer WA-1565 Spherical Array (https://www.bksv.com/media/doc/bn0690.pdf). Note you must be a US citizen to attend this event. Kindly RSVP: [email protected] if you plan to attend as space is limited.
Posted: Monday, October 29, 2018
Location: WHYY Philadelphia, PA
Moderated by: Jonathan P. Orose
Speaker(s): Jim Anderson
Join us on December 9th at 5:30 PM as Grammy award winner Jim Anderson Presents: "Jazz in Surround - 'Sixteen Sunsets' and 'Modern Cool'" Where: WHYY 150 6th St. Philadelphia, PA 19106 On the Grammy nominated recording "Sixteen Sunsets," soprano saxophonist Jane Ira Bloom and her quartet take on the musical challenge of playing ballads, both standards and originals, in exquisitely slow tempos. Engineer and co-producer Jim Anderson's goal was to translate these intentions into a convincing, believable and enveloping sonic soundscape in 5.1 surround. The recording was conceived with surround sound in mind. Jim will play selections from the album in surround and discuss the production process. On the Grammy winning recording "Modern Cool," by Patricia Barber, Jim Anderson revisited an audiophile classic and reinvented it's sound. RSVP Below. docs.google.com/forms/d/1v0r3QBOIEpv0v31a3IK47_n_GGlnkhvcHj7Bv7F2zUo/viewform?usp=send_for...
Posted: Monday, November 16, 2015