Audio Engineering Society

Chicago Section

Meeting Review, November 17, 2006

other meeting reports

11/17/06 Meeting Highlights
by Jeff Segota

Audio electronics manufacturer and AES sustaining member Shure, Incorporated was the

location of the November, 17th meeting of the Chicago Section. In 2004, Shure completed

construction of its 65,000 square-foot, two-story Technology Annex, which houses equipment

and facilities for engineering research and development, new product development, quality,

service, and manufacturing support. About 65 attendees were treated to a presentation and tour

of the Annex by a team of Shure AES members.


The meeting started with a presentation on Shure�s 80-year history, including the product line.

The attendees then divided into several groups and were rotated through a series of

demonstrations, each highlighting different facilities within the Annex. One stop was the

Performance and Listening Center (PLC), a �building within the building� that includes a studio

for recording and live product testing (vocal both, large live room, and control room) and a

dedicated theater for critical listening. Three presenters discussed and demonstrated the facility

construction, the recording and editing of listening test samples, and sound quality evaluation



Acoustic Anechoic Chamber


The groups were taken inside one of the two acoustic anechoic chambers, which are used

primarily for microphone testing. Frequency and polar response testing was demonstrated. The

inside if the RF anechoic chamber, used for product emissions and immunity testing, was also

shown. The attendees witnessed the operation of the H.A.L.T (highly accelerated life test)

chamber first hand, where a sample product was subjected to extreme temperature and vibration

in order to quickly reveal any potential reliability issues. Drop tests and tensile tests were also

demonstrated, and the various chambers for temperature, moisture, and salt fog testing were

shown and their purposes explained.


There was clearly a buzz in the air as the attendees mingled in the lobby after the tour,

appreciative of the rare opportunity and their hosts� hard work.


RF Anechoic Chamber