
AES Press Release: AES San Francisco 2012

133rd AES Convention Signals Expanded Broadcast/Streaming Media Sessions

For Release: August 16, 2012


Diverse Media Playback, New Techniques, Hot Technology

David Bialik

SAN FRANCISCO: Relevant and enlightening, AES Convention Broadcast/Streaming Sessions are among the most diverse and popular fielded at the event. “Back for his 26th consecutive turn as Broadcast/Streaming Chair, David Bialik consistently develops meaningful sessions which literally pack the halls,” remarked Committee Co-Chair, Jim McTigue. “We count on David to deliver high-level, entertaining and informative presentations that keep attendees coming back year after year.” The 133rd AES Convention is scheduled for Oct. 26-29 at the SF Moscone Center.

“Our goal is to provide meaningful information in the most accessible format,” Bialik reports. “We make a special effort to develop mini-tracks focused on topic-related issues. For example, attendees will find groupings of events on Troubleshooting, Audio for TV, Radio & Streaming, which are virtually crash courses on these issues. And, we stress the point that these events are discussions of technologies and techniques, not sales presentations. The AES Convention continues to serve as an essential destination for the serious audio professional,” Bialik adds.

133rd AES Convention Broadcast And Streaming Media Sessions Include: 

What Happens to Your Production When Played Back On Diverse Media? Chair, David Bialik, CBS; Frank Foti, Omnia; Greg Ogonowski, Orban; Karlheinz Brandenberg, Fraunhofer; Steve Greenberg, S-Curve; Robert Orban, Orban and George Massenburg, McGill University. This all-star panel will address one of today’s key production/post production issues. Faced with a plethora of costly and not always compatible, formats and playback systems, sound engineers and mixers frequently find their mixes sound remarkably dissimilar when played on various systems and formats. Comprised of leaders in broadcast, streaming, recording, technology & software design and production/ post-production, this blue ribbon panel will discuss common problems and potential solutions.

Loudness and Metadata (Living With The CALM Act): Chair, Joel Spector, independent broadcast consultant; Andrew Mason, BBC; Robert Murch, Fox Television; Lon Neumann, Tim Carrol, Linear Accoustic; Jim Starzinski, NBC/Universal; Robert Seidel, CBS; Robert Murch, Fox. One of the most hotly debated and universally welcomed (by TV viewers) legislations passed by Congress in recent years, the Commercial Advertising Loudness Mitigation Act (CALM) is the culmination of a long and passionate public advocacy campaign. What effect will the passage of this act have on broadcasters? 

Facility Design: A User’s Evaluation Of Integral Acoustic Products & Materials: Chair, John Storyk. A panel of four leading studio contractors and installation experts (TBD) will provide a real-world users survey of products and acoustic materials commonly (and occasionally) incorporated in critical listening environments. Optimal options for doors, glass, HVAC, variable acoustic panels, furniture, equipment racks and other integral components of today's high-end (and budget conscious) TV and Radio broadcast facilities will be discussed. This is not an advertorial event. Contractor recommendations are based on personal field experience. Product considerations are based on their ability to provide cost-effective solutions to a myriad of technical and aesthetic issues. 

*Stream Distribution – IP in the Mobile Environment: Moderator David Layer, NAB; Samuel Sousa, Triton Digital; Mike Daskalopoulos, Dolby; other participants TBA. The public demands portability for stream listening, whether in handheld mobile devices or cars. This panel will discuss current capabilities, future possibilities, and potential hurdles.  

Audio for Mobile Television: TBA; Dave Wilson, CEA; Jim Starzinsinki, NBC/Universal; Robert Murch, Fox Television; Geir Skaaden, DTS; other participants, TBA. This technology is currently being rolled out in the US. The discussion will encompass transmission and audio concerns for this emerging, low bandwidth terrestrial service. 

Broadcast Audio Networking Techniques: Dan Braverman, Radio Systems; Greg Shay, Telos Alliance; Tag Borland, Logitek Ravena. Wiring, routing and configuring broadcast studios has evolved into a sophisticated networking process for audio and control functions. This session will explore a variety of established and emerging technologies and techniques for implementing and configuring broadcast studios to accommodate fully networked audio and video control functions.

Sound Design: How Does That 'Thing' Go Bump In The Night? Co-Moderators, Sue Zizza & David Shinn, SueMedia Productions. Whether you are working with props, recording sounds on location, or using prerecorded library sounds, the elements you choose will impact the aesthetics of the stories you tell. Illustrated by scenes from the AES Performance, Poe A Life and Stories in Sound, this session will explore working with sound effects props in the studio and location recording elements. A brief overview of sound effects libraries will be included.

The Broadcast/Streaming Track Includes:

Understanding Codecs: Chair, Barry Mishkind, Broadcasters Desktop Resource; Kirk Harnack, Telos; Chris Tobin, MUSICAM USA; JJ Johnston, consultant; Jeff Riedmiller, Dolby. Techniques for maximizing the effectiveness of codecs developed to encode or decode a digital data stream or signal will be discussed in depth.

The Streaming Experience: Samuel Sousa, Triton Digital; participants TBA

Audio Encoding for Streaming: Samuel Sousa, Triton Digital; JT, Limelight; Casey Cambra, Dolby; Robert Reams, Streaming Appliances/DSP Concepts; other participants & chair TBA

Additional Broadcast/Streaming Events Include:

  • Working with HTML5: Chair Valerie Tyler, Greg Ogonowski, Orban; other participants TBA 

  • Audio Processing Basics: JJ Johnston; Frank Foti, Omnia; Bob Orban, Orban; Participants, TBA.

  • Listener Fatigue: Chair, Dave Wilson; Craig Kasper, Audiologist; Sean Olive, JBL: Robert Reams, Streaming Appliances/DSP Concepts

  • Lip Sync Experiment: Chair, Jonathan Abrams, Nutmeg Post; participants TBA

  • Troubleshooting Software Issues: Chair, Jonathan Abrams, Nutmeg Post; participants TBA

  • Maintenance, Repair & Troubleshooting: Chair, Kirk Harnack; Bill Sacks and Kim Sacks, Optimod Refurbishing; Bob Moore, Mooretronix

  • “Poe A Life In Sound”. A live performance starring Phil Proctor of Firesign Theater & Disney animated film voiceover fame. Produced & directed by Sue Zizza of SueMedia with sound design by David Shinn.  


Photo: AES 133rd Convention Broadcast/Streaming Chair David Bialik




The Audio Engineering Society was formed in 1948 by a group of concerned audio engineers. The AES counts over 14,000 members throughout the U.S., Latin America, Europe, Japan and the Far East. The organization serves as the pivotal force in the exchange and dissemination of technical information for the industry. For additional information visit


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