1998 October, VOLUME 46 NUMBER 10 |
President's Message: Marina Bosi 835 CONTENT
Three-Dimensional Sound Synthesis Based on Head-Related Transfer Functions
Ming Zhang, Kah-Chye Tan, and M. H. Er 836
Three-dimensional sound synthesis based on head-related transfer functions (HRTFs) is presented using the work of Gardner and Martin of the MIT Media Laboratory. The objective is to refine the HRTFs to effectively exaggerate the perceptual differences for sounds arriving from different directions and to emphasize the pinnae effects.
Tape Flux Measurement Revisited
John G. (Jay) McKnight, Benito E. Cortez, and Jeffrey A. McKnight 845
Two methods for determining tape flux density are described and found to be in very close agreement. Measurement of earlier German calibration tapes by the two current methods indicates their fluxivity to be 10% lower than their stated value, or 288 nWb/m rather than 320 nWb/m. This paper contains extensive documentary support for the experimental procedures employed in making the measurements and their results.
Determining the Magnetization of Magnetic Tape (Reprint)
Otto Schmidbauer 859
The first English translation of the classic 1957 work on tape flux measurement. (Editorially updated by John G. McKnight.)
Method for Measuring the Absolute Magnitude and Frequency Response of the Flux on Magnetic Tape (Reprint)
DIN Standard 865
German Standard DIN 45 502, first published in 1957, was the original standard for measuring tape flux. (Translation by Brigitte McKnight; edited by John G. McKnight.)
Modeling Acoustic Wind Instruments with Contiguous Group Synthesis
Andrew Horner and Lydia Ayers 868
Wind instruments are synthesized using a single spectrum to describe each part of an instrument's range. The desired articulation is controlled by predefined amplitude envelopes, which also provide increased tonal brightness with increasing amplitude. The model shows promise in designing new windlike instruments, since the individual parameters can be manipulated directly.
AES 5-1998 AES Recommended Practice for Professional Digital Audio Preferred Sampling
Frequencies for Applications Employing Pulse-Code Modulation 880
AES Standards Committee News 886
Mechanical disc restoration, listening tests, digital audio
AES Officers 1998/1999 890
Review of Society's Sustaining Members 892
AES News: Student Delegate Assembly Elects Officers 915
News of the Sections 916
Sound Track 920
New Products and Developments 921
Upcoming Meetings 922
Available Literature 923
Membership Information 925
In Memoriam 928
AES Annual Report 930
Sections Contacts Directory 931
AES Conventions and Conferences 936