Learning Algorithms for Audio Signal Enhancement: Part 2 Implementation of the Rough-Set Method for the Removal of Hiss
Andrzej Czyzewski p. 931
Learning algorithms were used to analyze strong hiss and impulse noise from old phonograph records. The method was tested with consideration to the ongoing automatic threshold setting requirement in spectral filtering of noisy audio. The threshold algorithm applied to this task must be adaptable, since the spectrum of the signal is time-variant and changes its character with each passing moment of time. Consequently, there was a need to employ an intelligent algorithm with strong generalization capabilities for building a knowledge base of signal and hiss relations. These data were then used for the automatic threshold updates while processing the entire noisy audio spectrum.
Visual Monitoring of Multichannel Stereophonic Signals
Setsu Komiyama p. 944
A new type of visual monitor for multichannel audio signals is presented that serves as a visual tool for the production staff. This novel monitor displays directional balance and phase relationships among the multichannel signals by visualizing an instantaneous sound intensity vector that is synthesized by the multichannel signals. It is intended that this new monitor will replace the conventional Lissajous stereo pattern monitor.Discrete-Element Line Arrays -- Their Modeling and Optimization
David L. Smith p. 949
The author conducted near-field and far-field polar measurements on discrete element loudspeaker line arrays to determine their most effective design for domestic use. In a home setting it was shown that the near-field performance dominated for long arrays, and that improvements to the array's forward beam would most benefit the listener at near range. Level tapering schemes applied to the arrays were also found to be useful in giving improved response smoothness for any listening height at typical home listening distances.STANDARDS AND INFORMATION DOCUMENTS
AES Standards Committee News p. 965
Digital interface synchronization and sampling
DRAFT REVISED AES17-xxxx DRAFT AES standard method for digital audio engineering -- Measurement of digital audio equipment (insert)FEATURES
8th Tokyo Regional Convention Report p. 970
Exhibitors p. 977
Program p. 978
103rd Convention Report, New York p. 984
Exhibitors p. 998
Program p. 1002
Call for Awards Nominations p. 1036DEPARTMENTS
Review of Acoustical Patents p. 968
News of the Sections p. 1029
Sound Track p. 1032
Upcoming Meetings p. 1034
New Products and Developments p. 1035
Available Literature p. 1037
Membership Information p. 1038
Audio Engineering Society Application Instructions p. 1041
Sections Contacts Directory p. 1044
AES Conventions and Conferences p. 1048