President's Message Elizabeth A. Cohen p. 947
The Design of Encoding Functions for Stereophonic and Polyphonic Sound Systems
M. Poletti p. 948
Encoding functions for ambisonic, stereophonic, and polyphonic sound reproduction systems can be designed for recordings made with elementary coincident microphones. Strong emphasis is placed on holographic reproduction systems that attempt to reproduce the original sound field in a region around the listener's head.Compensation for Nonlinear Distortion of Horn Loudspeakers by Digital Signal Processing
Wolfgang Klippel p. 964
Horn loudspeaker nonlinear distortion can be compensated by prefiltering the electrical input inversely from the results of nonlinear loudspeaker modeling using static nonlinear and dynamic linear subsystems. This method requires less computational effort and memory than other generic architectures. When using simplified versions of this filter, the performance of a professional horn loudspeaker was shown to be substantially improved by compensating only for nonlinear wave steepening.Multichannel Signal Processing Techniques in the Reproduction of Sound
P. A. Nelson, F. Orduña-Bustamante, and H. Hamada p. 973
A general approach to the design of inverse filters for multichannel sound reproduction systems is shown using algorithms that enable the rapid adaptation of inverse filters in response to the reproduced sound field. Experimental results and computer simulations illustrate the potential to manipulate stereophonic images to improve existing recordings.Experiments on a System for the Synthesis of Virtual Acoustic Sources
P. A. Nelson, F. Orduña-Bustamante, D. Engler, and H. Hamada p. 990
Experiments are presented showing the subjective evaluation of a digital signal processing system designed to produce virtual acoustic sources at the listener's ears irrespective of the immediate sound reproduction environment. Several widely different environments are evaluated, with emphasis on the accuracy of localized images to the front, sides, and rear of the listener.STANDARDS AND INFORMATION DOCUMENTS
AES18-1996 AES recommended practice for digital audio engineering -- Format for the user data channel of the AES digital audio interface p. 1008
DRAFT AES3-1992 Amendment 1-xxxx, Amendment 1 to AES recommended practice for digital audio engineering -- Serial transmission format for two-channel linearly represented digital audio data (insert)
AES Standards Committee News p. 1030 ITU report on digital measurements; standards on CD-ROMFEATURES
6th Australian Regional Convention 1034Exhibitors p. 1043New AES Officers 1996/1997 p. 1055
Program p. 1044DEPARTMENTS
Review of Acoustical Patents p. 1031
News of the Sections p. 1059
Upcoming Meetings p. 1062
Sound Track p. 1063
New Products and Developments p. 1065
Available Literature p. 1067
Membership Information p. 1068
AES Special Publications p. 1071
Sections Contacts Directory p. 1076
AES Conventions and Conferences p. 1080