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Journal of the AES - Table of Contents

1999 May, VOLUME 47 NUMBER 5



Performance of the Genetic Annealing Algorithm in DFM Synthesis of Dynamic Musical Sound Samples
S. M. Lim and B. T. G. Tan 339
A qualitative analysis using dynamic musical sound sample parameter optimization is employed to assess the performance of a genetic annealing algorithm (GAA) in the double frequency modulation (DFM) parameter optimization problem. The dynamic musical sound samples are synthesized using DFM synthesis techniques. The GAA optimizes the solution by plotting the solution spaces of the one-DFM equation for all samples. A recycling process has been proposed to improve the efficiency of the GAA process.


The Influence of Video Quality on Perceived Audio Quality and Vice Versa
John G. Beerends and Frank E. de Caluwe 355
A unique set of listening and observation tests was performed to determine the influence of audio on perceived video quality, and conversely, the influence of video on perceived audio quality. The test subjects indicated a relatively small effect of audio quality on the perceived video quality presentation, while the video effect had a larger influence on the perceived audio quality performance. It was found that the video quality dominates the overall perceived audiovisual quality.

A Novel Intensimetric Technique for Monitoring the Radiative Properties of Sound Fields
Nicola Prodi and Domenico Stanzial 363
The new energy-descriptive measurement of sound fields is focused on the development and application of the related intensimetric technique. Experimental results of three specific measurement applications in room acoustics, musical acoustics, and noise control, illustrate that this technique is exceptionally helpful for monitoring the radiative properties of sound fields. Special attention was given throughout these experiments to the measurement errors of the newly defined component called "oscillating intensity," which was shown to be almost completely insensitive to phase errors.

Ab Initio Model for Triode Tube
A. Kashuba 373
Mechanical design and construction characteristics of specific vacuum tubes are used to develop the 3/2 law model for vacuum tubes operating with negative grid bias. The plate characteristics are accurately described by the 3/2-scaling invariant, which is derived from the tube's fundamental physical characteristics and internal field configurations. It is proposed that this scheme can be a replacement for the Child­Langmuir law for triodes, since this model was developed in terms of basic mathematical functions.


AES Standards Committee News 378
Preservation of audio recordings


17th Conference Preview, Florence, Italy 386
Calendar 388
Program 390
Registration Form 397
107th Convention, New York, USA, Call for Workshops Participants 408
108th Convention, Paris, France, Call for Papers 416
9th Regional Convention Preview, Tokyo, Japan (insert)


Review of Acoustical Patents 383
News of the Sections 400
Sound Track 405
New Products and Developments 406
Available Literature 409
Membership Information 411
Upcoming Meetings 412
In Memoriam 415
Sections Contacts Directory 418
AES Conventions and Conferences 424

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