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Journal of the AES - Table of Contents




Complete Response Function and System Parameters for a Loudspeaker with Passive Radiator
Douglas H. Hurlburt 147

The response function for passive radiator loudspeaker systems and closed box types is derived in this study, with the goal to arrive at system designs that include driver losses and internal enclosure and passive radiator losses. A design method that compensates for these losses is fully outlined. This is a comprehensive, step-by-step design development paper, which should serve as a valuable design tool for loudspeaker system engineers.

Evaluation of the ITU-R Objective Audio Quality Measurement Method
William C. Treurniet and Gilbert A. Soulodre 164

The subject of this study was the assessment of the PEAQ (perceptual evaluation of audio quality) method's ability to predict and correlate the results of subjective tests conducted according to ITU-R BS-1116. An additional goal was to determine PEAQ's ability to correctly rank the performance quality of various codecs. The PEAQ system was also evaluated as an aid to selecting appropriate audio listening materials for use in subjective listening tests.


Sculptor: Exploring Timbral Spaces in Real Time
N. J. Bailey and D. Cooper 174

Sculptor is a user-adjustable software program which performs analysis and editing of sounds in real time and uses inexpensive hardware. In the system, state-space techniques decompose models of a selected sound into parallel second-order sections whose resonator parameters can then be edited. The modified results can be auditioned in real time. The software's source code is available so that it can be modified to suit individual requirements.

Phantom Sources Applied to Stereo-Base Widening
Ronald M. Aarts 181

A stereo-base widening system is described that is predicated on the combination of head-related transfer functions (HRTFs) and a simple ideal loudspeaker model in conjunction with a subject's acoustically transparent head. It is reported that the spectral response of this widening circuit produces the same tonal balance as conventional stereo reproduction. The system can create extremely wide sound stage broadening effects when used for maneuvering stereo sound effects in action movies.


AES7-2000 AES standard for the preservation and restoration of audio recording - Method of measuring recorded fluxivity of magnetic sound records at medium wavelengths 190

AES43-2000 AES standard for forensic purposes - Criteria for the authentication of analog audio tape recordings 204

AES Standards Committee News Digital measurements, room diffusion, connectors, control components 215


Review of Acoustical Patents 218

News of the Sections 230

Upcoming Meetings 234

Sound Track 235

New Products and Developments 236

Available Literature 239

Advertiser Internet Directory 239

Membership Information 240

AES Special Publications 245

Sections Contacts Directory 250

AES Conventions and Conferences 256

FPOFor the cover:


spine:VOLUME 48 NUMBER 3 2000 MARCH