2000 January/February, Vol 48 Number 1/2 |
PEAQ-The ITU Standard for Objective Measurement of Perceived Audio Quality
Thilo Thiede, William C. Treurniet, Roland Bitto, Christian Schmidmer, Thomas Sporer, John G. Beerends, Catherine Colomes, Michael Keyhl, Gerhard Stoll, Karlheinz Brandenburg, and Bernhard Feiten 3Audio data compression systems rely on algorithms that exploit the psychoacoustic properties of the human auditory system. Subjective evaluations of their overall effectiveness can be expensive as well as time consuming. This presents the need for an objective measurement method which models the sensory and cognitive processes underlying subjective ratings. This paper describes the ITU-R recommended "Method for Objective Measurements of Perceived Audio Quality," and its effectiveness in achieving its functional goals.
Propagation Distortion in Sound Systems-Can We Avoid It?
Eugene Czerwinski, Alexander Voishvillo, Sergei Alexandrov, and Alexander Terekhov 30The nonlinear properties of sound propagation make it significant to consider the loudspeaker's wave propagation path to the listener as another sound system component that may require nonlinear compensating correction. While, at first examination, this appears to be a simple problem, this study examines the complexity of the acoustical source and its subsequent path configurations, as well as the differences in acoustical path lengths between source and listeners. This is an area of study that is becoming more helpful to the science of sound propagation and reinforcement.
A Novel Sound Intensity Probe Comparison with the Pair of Pressure Microphones Intensity Probe
W. F. Druyvesteyn and H. E. de Bree 49Sound intensity measurements can be made using a novel and simple system called the Microflown, which consists of a microphone and particle velocity sensor. Comparison measurements indicate that this intensity probe system performs as well as the older identical-two-microphone method. The new measurement system offers several advantages over the two-microphone method, which include a reduced size sensor, a configuration that can be used over several frequency ranges, and elimination of close transducer matching as in the identical-two-microphone method.
AES31-3-1999 AES standard for network and file transfer of audio - Audio-file transfer and exchange - Part 3: Simple project interchange 57
DRAFT AES35-xxxx AES standard for audio preservation and restoration - Method for estimating life expectancy of magneto-optic (M-O) disks, based on effects of temperature and relative humidity (insert)
DRAFT AES38-xxxx AES standard for audio preservation and restoration - Life expectancy of information stored in recordable compact disc systems - Method for estimating, based on effects of temperature and relative humidity (insert)
AES Standards Committee News Status of projects 91
The Atlantic Audio Demonstration Equipment
A. J. Mason, A. K. McParland, and N. J. Yeadon 106109th Convention, Los Angeles, Call for Papers 132
109th Convention, Los Angeles, Call for Workshops Participants 134
News of the Sections 119
Sound Track 124
New Products and Developments 126
Available Literature 127
Upcoming Meetings 128
Membership Information 129
Advertiser Internet Directory 130
Audio Engineering Society Membership Application Instructions 135
Sections Contacts Directory 138
AES Conventions and Conferences 144
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2000 January/February, Vol 48 Number 1/2
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