1997 December, VOLUME 45 NUMBER 12 |
Acoustics of the Former Teatro "La Fenice" in Venice
Lamberto Tronchin and Angelo Farina p.1051
Objective measurements were made of this unique concert hall to determine its acoustical characteristics relative to its subjective listening reputation. Various types of acoustical measurements were made with results that indicate the hall is well suited for opera and speech, whereas the reverberation time appeared too short for symphonic music. The measurement results support the earlier subjective evaluations of the hall.Improvement of Signal-to-Noise Ratio in Long-Term MLS Measurements with High-Level Nonstationary Disturbances
Johan L. Nielsen p.1063
A simple scheme for automatic improvement of the signal-to-noise ratio in long-term maximum-length sequence measurements with high-level nonstationary disturbances is presented. Long-term averaging can be characterized by an equivalent stationary noise level regardless of the disturbance type. This normalization is simple to implement and economical in terms of processing power requirements.ENGINEERING REPORTS
Development of a Low-Flutter Measurement Tape
Lowell Cross p.1067
A high-speed recording technique is used to make magnetic tapes for use in making flutter measurements. The recorder uses a high-speed servo-system-controlled transport mechanism to record flutter measurement tapes, which are subsequently played back at standard speeds. The high-speed recording technique produces a significant reduction in the recorded flutter and improves the accuracy of flutter measurements, especially when compared to the common procedure of recording flutter tapes at playback velocities.Improved Spice Model for Triode Vacuum Tubes
Walter Sjursen p.1082
An improved PSpice analog behavioral model for triode vacuum tubes is shown as nonlinear functions of grid and plate voltages. This model includes the effects of initial electron velocity, low plate voltage, and positive grid voltage. These improvements provide more accurate simulation of the triode circuits, which operate at low plate currents, low plate voltages, or with positive grid voltages.STANDARDS AND INFORMATION DOCUMENTS
AES22-1997 AES recommended practice for audio preservation and restoration - Storage and handling - Storage of polyester-base magnetic tape p.1089
AES Standards Committee News p.1110
DVD audio
Automated Digital Audio Archives in the Broadcasting Environment, Giorgio Dimino p.1124
1997/1998 AES International Sections Directory p.1134
Call for Nominations for the Board of Governors p.1167
AES 105th Convention, San Francisco, Call for Papers p.1170
Bylaws: Audio Engineering Society, Inc. p.1172
Index to Volume 45 p.1176DEPARTMENTS
News of the Sections p.1156
Upcoming Meetings p.1161
Sound Track p.1162
New Products and Developments p.1164
Available Literature p.1166
Membership Information p.1168
In Memoriam p.1169
AES Conventions and Conferences p.1184