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Journal of the AES - Table of Contents




Perceived Performance of Loudspeaker-Spatialized Speech for Teleconferencing
Michael J. Evans, Anthony I. Tew, and James A. S. Angus 771

Teleconferencing audio can be enhanced by employing spatial audio reproduction using
loudspeakers. It is important that any perceptual realism which is added by spatial audio
does not compromise the perceived comprehension of the transmitted teleconferencing communications.
Formal testing methods are used to verify that the spatial speech reproduction does not compromise
perceived performance relative to nonspatialized reproduction.

Loudspeaker Crossovers with Notched Responses
Neville Thiele 786

In the continuing development of crossover networks for multidriver loudspeaker systems
a class of crossover systems is introduced that produces null responses in the high- and low-pass
outputs at frequencies close to their transition crossover frequencies. Both outputs have a high
initial rate of attenuation in their stopbands, while the sum of their outputs has a flat all-pass
response. Both active and passive designs are introduced with normalized component value examples.


Integrated Approach to Metering, Monitoring, and Leveling Practices, Part 1:
Two-Channel Metering
Bob Katz 800

Film, broadcasting, and music recording level-setting practices of the past have led to large
variations in the dynamic range of recorded materials. Increased and varying dynamic ranges
of modern recording and reproduction systems call for a new set of level-setting requirements.
In this paper, the author proposes that recording and reproduction monitor level settings be
normalized at 83 dB, and that the available peak levels be adjusted to suit the type of recorded
material and reproduction environments, so that the peak dynamic levels exceed the normal
reference level by +12 dB for broadcast materials and by +20 dB for large theater reproduction.

Sound Modeling Applied to Flute Sounds
Sølvi Ystad 810

An original method of modeling musical sounds is proposed in which a combination of physical
and signal models takes into account the physical characteristics of the instrument along with
a technique for extracting parameters for synthesis purposes. A source signal which consists of
independent deterministic and stochastic parts is injected into the physical model to generate
sustained sounds. Examples are presented of how sounds from this model can be manipulated and
how these manipulations can be performed in real time.


AES35-2000 AES standard for audio preservation and restoration - Method for estimating life
expectancy of magneto-optic (M-O) disks, based on effects of temperature and relative humidity

AES Standards Committee News; Status of projects 846


Global Paradigm Shifts in the Audio Industry-Part 1 Barry Blesser and Derek Pilkington 861

110th Convention, Amsterdam, Call for Papers 887

AES 19th International Conference, Bavaria, Germany, Call for Contributions 888

Exhibit Previews 1106


News of the Sections873

Sound Track 878

Upcoming Meetings880

New Products and Developments 880

Available Literature882

Membership Information 884

Advertiser Internet Directory886

Audio Engineering Society Membership Application Instructions 890 AES Special Publications893

Sections Contacts Directory898

AES Conventions and Conferences904

FPOFor the cover:

Volume 48 Number 9 2000 September

spine: Volume 48 Number 9 2000 September