VOLUME 48 NUMBER 11, 2000 November |
Frequency-Warped Signal Processing for Audio Applications
Aki HArmA, Matti Karjalainen, Lauri Savioja, Vesa VAlimAki, Unto K. Laine, and Jyri Huopaniemi 1011A digital signal processing method is presented, which is applicable to human auditory perception. It is an effective means to design or implement digital signal processing (DSP) algorithms directly. The human auditory system is complex, nonlinear, time variant, and adaptive. Therefore, models of auditory perception are also complex. This paper demonstrates that a warped DSP system can be designed to approximate accurately the frequency resolution of the human auditory system.
Auditory Models for Gifted Listeners
Seymour Shlien 1032Little is known about gifted listeners, some of whom are remarkably sensitive to codec quantization noise. Training appears to be an important aspect in the development of these abilities. This study indicates that sensitivity to codec quantization noise is likely governed by psychoacoustic efficiency rather than unique frequency selectivity.
ENGINEERING REPORTSRecurrent Neural-Network-Based Physical Model for the Chin and Other Plucked-String Instruments
Sheng-Fu Liang and Alvin W. Y. Su 1045A traditional Chinese plucked-string instrument, the chin, is chosen to demonstrate the use of neural networks to determine suitable synthesis parameters. The structure of the network is designed for analysis of plucked-string instruments and its corresponding synthesis engine. This is a general method that can be used to synthesize any plucked-string musical instrument.
COMMUNICATIONSAliasing in Digital Clippers and Compressors
Paul Kraght 1060Digital signal limiters and dynamic-range compressors generate aliasing products as an undesirable side effect that can be clearly audible. Reduced aliasing can be achieved by soft limiting, at the expense of reduced overall dynamic range. A second or higher order detector can be used to effectively eliminate aliasing in digital signal processing systems.
LETTERS TO THE EDITORMore on "Comments on Review of Architectural Acoustics, Principles and Practice"
David Lloyd ben Yaacov Yehuda Klepper 1066Comments on "Complete Response Function and System Parameters for a Loudspeaker with Passive Radiator"
Josef Merhaut 1066Author's Reply
Douglas H. Hurlburt 1067
Corrigenda; metadata; diffusion materials; loudspeakers; tape preservation; digital interfaces; Internet audio engineering's Engineering guidelines for the multichannel-audio digital interface (MADI) AES10 941
Call for Comment on REAFFIRMATION of AES-2id-1996, AES information document for digital audio engineering - Guidelines for the use of the AES3 interface 1068
FEATURES109th Convention Report, Los Angeles 1074
Exhibitors 1090
Program 1094
10th Tokyo Regional Convention, Call for Papers 1138
111th Convention, New York, Call for Papers 1139
AES 20th International Conference, Budapest, Hungary, Call for Papers 1140
DEPARTMENTSNews of the Sections 1121
Sound Track 1126
Upcoming Meetings 1128
New Products and Developments 1128
Available Literature 1130
Membership Information 1131
Advertiser Internet Directory 1134
In Memoriam 1136
AES Annual Report 11379
AES Special Publications 1141
Sections Contacts Directory 1146
AES Conventions and Conferences 1152
FPOFor the cover:
Volume 48 Number 11 2000 November
spine: Volume 48 Number 11 2000 November