2001 November, Vol 49 Number 11 |
Multitone Testing of Sound System Components-Some Results and Conclusions, Part 1: History and Theory
Eugene Czerwinski, Alexander Voishvillo, Sergei Alexandrov, and Alexander Terekhov 1011
Evaluating nonlinear distortion in audio equipment, most notably loudspeakers, has been a constant topic of discussion because of the lack of progress in finding objective measures that correlate with subjective judgments. A comprehensive review of the literature spanning over 100 years illustrates the subject's intractable nature. A more formal analysis then leads to the conclusion that a carefully constructed multitone signal both simulates real music and allows for a mathematical theory that predicts the intermodulation products. This provides the basis for transforming the distortion products into compact metrics. THD is a useless metric.Perceptual Tolerances for Decay Parameters in Plucked String Synthesis
Hanna Javrelainen and Tero Tolonen 1049
The ability to synthesize musical notes that emulate natural instruments requires a detailed understanding of the parameters use to describe the signal. This study examines the perceptual sensitivity to the decay parameters of a plucked string of an acoustic guitar. Listening tests showed that relatively large variations in the decay remain inaudible.ENGINEERING REPORTS
A Simplified Wavetable Matching Method Using Combinatorial Basis Spectra Selection
Andrew Horner 1060
While wavetable synthesis is powerful, flexible, and potentially very accurate, it involves a difficult design choice for parameter optimization. Algorithms must balance accuracy, complexity, and compute resources. The author proposes a different approach that involves an intensive optimization over a more limited range of choices. It is simpler, yet it achieves essentially the same results as the more traditional approach.STANDARDS AND INFORMATION DOCUMENTS
AES26-2001 AES recommended practice for professional audio interconnections - Conservation of the polarity of audio signals 1067
AES Standards Committee News 1080
Status of projectsFEATURES
20th Conference Report, Budapest, Hungary 1098
News of the Sections 1107
Upcoming Meetings 1109
Sound Track 1110
New Products and Developments 1111
Available Literature 1113
Membership Information 1114
Advertiser Internet Directory 1116
AES Annual Report 1119
In Memoriam 1120
Sections Contacts Directory 1122
AES Conventions and Conferences 1128
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2001 November, Vol 49 Number 11
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