Over 180 audio
engineers from around the world came to The Banff Centre in June
2003 to share the latest developments in multichannel surround
audio. Together with a hard-working committee, Theresa Leonard, The
Banff Centre's Director of Audio, and chair of the conference
created a program that was packed from morning until night with
technical papers, seminars, demonstrations, and panel discussions.
Complementing this was a program of receptions and cultural events
in the evenings, exposing delegates to the Banff Centre's
exceptional culinary and artistic delights.
The 24th AES International Conference in Banff
brought together audio engineering professionals, researchers,
academics, and manufacturers for further discussions on the art,
science, and future of multichannel audio.
covered through the papers, seminars, posters, and demonstrations
included: |

Outdoor barbeque lunch in the
beautiful Canadian Rockies.

Demonstration of Multichannel
Microphone Recording.
Microphone and mixing techniques
- Mastering for multichannel delivery
- Spatialization and reverberation
- Alternatives to 5.1
- Perception of spatial sound
- Monitoring issues and considerations (acoustics)
- Signal processing for multichannel audio
- Distribution formats / internet

From left: Wieslaw Woszczyk, Morton
Stove, Theresa Leonard, and Roger Furness.