Paper abstract
Workshop 1: Number of Channels
Chris Cain (1) and Tomlinson Holman (2)(1) University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA, USA (2) THM Corporation, Los Angeles, CA, USA |
In the future as constraints on frequency range and
dynamic range reach the full capacity of human hearing,
attention will turn to increasing the number of
audio channels. How best to use the capacity delivered
by new media is the subject of this talk. Three
factors dominate the placement of more channels
than the standard 5.1: the reproduction of physical
acoustics of rooms, psychoacoustics, and desires
of artists. This talk will examine these three areas. In
addition recording, mixing, and sound system development
for a larger number of channels will be
described. The first 10.2 channel systems have been
installed in stereo dealers and cinemas. Some of
the experience of making program material for this
wide range of venues will be described.