Paper abstract
Unraveling the Perception of Spatial Sound Reproduction: Techniques and Experimental Design
Nick Zacharov and Kalle KoivuniemiNokia Research Center, Tampere, Finland |
This paper describes the experimental design of two
subjective tests designed to study the perceptual
nature of spatial sound reproduction systems. This
issue is considered in terms of the multidimensional
nature (attributes) of the perceptual space and how
these attributes relate to subjective preference judgements.
The experiments, comprising a paired comparison
preference task and a single stimulus direct
attribute rating experiment, are outlined. The methods
of recording, generation, and reproduction of the
sound samples are presented. A total of eight reproduction
systems were employed, ranging from mono,
several stereo systems, five channel and periphonic.
Thirteen acoustics environments were considered for
each system. This sample set forms the basis for an
extensive preference mapping experiment to help
unravel how we perceive the quality of spatial sound
reproduction systems.