AES New York 2019
Product Development Track Event PD15
Friday, October 18, 3:15 pm — 4:45 pm (1E09)
Product Development: PD15 - Hardware Development Using JIRA
Presenter:Remi Vaucher, QSC - Costa Mesa, CA, USA
In line with the "Virtual Product Development" theme this presentation will show how to define "evolving" templates of product development based on AGILE methodology and their adaptation into a real development.
* Problems met during traditional product development and a way to solve them -> Management of all Products REQUIREMENTS, TASKS & QUALIFICATIONS using JIRA/Confluence from Atlassian
* Organizing the execution of the hardware development (in our case a powered speaker, including Acoustic, DSP, Amplifier & mechanical components) using an AGILE "like" process (derived from the SCRUM process used for Software).
* Configuring JIRA/CONFLUENCE to meet our goals
* Real Experiment : this new approach has been prototyped successfully during 10 months, improvements and take away will be discussed.