AES New York 2019 Presenter or Author

David Murphy

David Murphy

Primary Affiliation: Krix Loudspeakers - Henley Beach, South Australia, Australia

David Murphy is an Adelaide based chartered professional engineer who has been designing loudspeaker systems for Krix Loudspeakers since 1996, joining Krix after a career in electronic engineering education at the Regency Institute of TAFE (equivalent to a US two year college). Prior to that he was a radio apprentice, radio technician, and gained an Electronic Engineering Degree while at the Philips Hendon Works. He has maintained a continuous interest in audio during his career as a technician, professional engineer, lecturer, middle and senior manager, and professional engineer.
At Krix Loudspeakers he uses COMSOL and SolidWorks extensively, and electro-acoustic measurement systems such as MLSSA, Praxis, EASERA, and the AcoustX D2. He has developed a commercially successful range of acoustic horns, integrated them into 3-way and 4-way cinema screen systems, and holds Australian and US Patents on aspects of acoustic horn design. He has undertaken technical support visits to South Korea, Japan and China for Krix Loudspeakers in 2004, 2005, 2007, and 2016. More recently he has undertaken modelling and simulation of the low frequency behaviour of custom cinema installations for Krix.
An AES Fellow since 2006, he has been Vice President of the International Region for four years, a Governor for two years, and is presently a member of the AES Technical Committee TC-AC (Audio for Cinema) and Standards Committees SC-04-08 Measurement and Equalization of Sound Systems in Rooms and SC-04-03 Loudspeaker Modelling and Measurement. He has presented papers at AES International Conventions in San Francisco, New York, London, and Australian Regional Conventions in Sydney and Melbourne. He is an active member and has been the Chair of the Adelaide Section of the Audio Engineering Society for many years.

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Session List

Oct 16: PD01: The Predictable Horn: The Why, How, and When of Horn Simulation (Presenter)

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