AES New York 2019 Presenter or Author

Elaine Chew
Primary Affiliation: CNRS-UMR9912/STMS (IRCAM) - Paris, France
Elaine Chew is Professor of Digital Media at Queen Mary University of London, where she is affiliated with the Centre for Digital Music in the School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science. She was awarded a 2018 ERC ADG for the project COSMOS: Computational Shaping and Modeling of Musical Structures, and is recipient of a 2005 Presidential Early Career Award in Science and Engineering / NSF CAREER Award, and 2007/2017 Fellowships at Harvard’s Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Studies. Her research, which centers on computational analysis of music structures in performed music (including networked performance), performed speech, and cardiac arrhythmias, has been supported by the ERC, EPSRC, AHRC, and NSF, and featured on BBC World Service/Radio 3, Smithsonian Magazine, Philadelphia Inquirer, Wired Blog, MIT Technology Review, etc. She has authored numerous articles and a Springer monograph, Mathematical and Computational Modeling of Tonality: Theory and Applications, and serves on the Editorial Advisory Board of the Computer Music Journal, amongst others.
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Session List
Oct 17:
P08: Recording, Production, and Live Sound
Filling The Space: The Impact of Convolution Reverberation Time on Note Duration and Velocity in Duet Performance (Author)