AES New York 2019 Presenter or Author

Richard King
Primary Affiliation: McGill University - Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Secondary Affiliation: The Centre for Interdisciplinary Research in Music Media and Technology - Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Richard King is an Associate Professor in the Music Research Department at the Schulich School of Music of McGill University in Montreal. He is a 14-time Grammy award winning recording engineer and member of the Centre for Interdisciplinary Research in Music, Media, and Technology (CIRMMT). His research interests include small environment acoustics, the process of music mixing, and multichannel recording and reproduction in three dimensions. His book entitled Recording Orchestra and other classical music ensembles is now available as part of the Focal Press “AES presents” series.
Session List
Oct 17:
P08: Recording, Production, and Live Sound
Subjective Graphical Representation of Microphone Arrays for Vertical Imaging and Three-Dimensional Capture of Acoustic Instruments, Part II (Author)
Oct 17:
P12: Posters: Room Acoustics
A Novel Spatial Impulse Response Capture Technique for Realistic Artificial Reverberation in the 22.2 Multichannel Audio Format (Author)
Oct 18:
EB3: Posters: Spatial Audio
Field Report: Immersive Recording of a Wind Ensemble Using Height Channels and Delay Compensation for a Realistic Playback Experience (Author)
Oct 18:
RP19: Sound Reproduction on Wheels: How to Serve the Art (Panelist)