AES New York 2019 Presenter or Author

Stefania Cecchi
Primary Affiliation: Universitá Politecnica della Marche - Ancona, Italy
Stefania Cecchi (IEEE, AES Member) was born in Amandola (AP) Italy, in 1979. She received the Laurea degree (with honors) in electronic engineering in November 2004 at the University of Ancona (Italy) and the Ph.D. degree in electronic engineering in November 2007 at the Polytechnic University of Marche (Italy).She was a Post Doc Researcher at DII (Department of Information Engineering) at the same university above, from February 2008 to October 2015 and Assistant Professor from November 2015 to October 2018. She is now Associate Professor at DII (Department of Information Engineering) since November 2018.
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Session List
Oct 16:
P3: Posters: Transducers
Applying Sound Equalization to Vibrating Sound Transducers Mounted on Rigid Panels (Author)
Oct 16:
P06: Posters: Audio Signal Processing
Analysis of the Sound Emitted by Honey Bees in a Beehive (Author)
Oct 19:
P16: Posters: Spatial Audio
Immersive Sound Reproduction in Real Environments Using a Linear Loudspeaker Array (Author)