AES New York 2019 Presenter or Author

Robert Hupke
Primary Affiliation: Leibniz Universität Hannover - Hannover, Germany
AES Member Type: Student
Robert Hupke is a PhD student and research assistant under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Jürgen Peissig at the Institute of Communications Technology (IKT) at the Leibniz University Hannover. His main research interests are in the field of signal processing, psychoacoustics, spatial audio and room acoustics. Current research focuses on the flexible characterization of room acoustics, reproduction of soundscapes and the interaction of musicians in the context of Mixed Reality and Networked Music Performance.
Before joining IKT, Robert graduated in Electrical Engineering & Information Technology at the Leibniz University Hannover with a theses on the development and analysis of a wideband ultrasonic measurement system. He spent half a year as an intern at Sennheiser electronic. Since 2006, Robert has been working as a freelance sound- and light engineer for various live productions and festivals.
Session List
Oct 16:
P01: Applications in Audio
Effect of a Global Metronome on Ensemble Accuracy in Networked Music Performance (Author)
Oct 18:
EB2: Posters: Applications in Audio
A Latency Measurement Method for Networked Music Performances (Author)