AES Dublin Press Release: AES Dublin Champions Audio Industry Diversity and Inclusion

For Release: March 6, 2019

AES Dublin Champions Audio Industry Diversity and Inclusion

AES Dublin Champions Audio Industry Diversity and Inclusion

 — Growing call for diversity among audio professionals sets focus for the Diversity and Inclusion Committee’s first European Town Hall meeting on strategies and initiatives —

Highlighting the successful initiatives of the Audio Engineering Society and partner organizations, the AES Dublin International Pro Audio Convention will feature the AES’s first-ever Diversity and Inclusion Committee Town Hall Meeting in Europe.


“The AES’ newly formed Diversity and Inclusion Committee has been hard at work with a variety of initiatives” says AES Governor and AES D&I Chair Leslie Gaston-Bird. “The committee strives to ensure diversity in the AES worldwide and the audio industry as a whole by improving accessibility, welcoming diverse genres, embracing emergent audio fields and research, and radiating inclusiveness to all races, gender and gender identities, physical abilities, ages, and nationalities.”


The Diversity and Inclusion Town Hall will focus on gender equality in the audio engineering industry, highlighting recent activities surrounding the United Nations’ HeForShe campaign and the related work spearheaded by Town Hall moderator Mariana Lopez, University of York and AES Dublin Co-Chair “It is a chance to learn about those activities and to add your voice to the conversation,” says Gaston-Bird.


Joining Lopez and Gaston-Bird on the Town Hall stage will be AES President Nadja Wallaszkovits, AES President-Elect Agnieszka Roginska, AES Vice President Latin American Region Cesar Lamschtein, Big Bear Audio founder Charlie Slee, and iZotope Education Director Jonathan Wyner.


The Committee will also host a Diversity and Inclusion Party on Friday, March 22 during AES Dublin. The event will be open to all Convention attendees – tickets can be secured with an RSVP at


Advance Registration pricing and options on AES Dublin registration, including substantial discounts for AES Member and students, ends March 8. More information about the AES Dublin Convention and registration is available at