AES Dublin 2019 Presenter or Author
Tom Wühle
Primary Affiliation: TU Dresden, Lehrstuhl für Akustik und Haptik - Dresden, Germany
Tom Wühle graduated with a Diploma degree in electrical engineering from Dresden University of Technology (TUD), Germany, in 2014. After his graduation, he worked as research associate and R&D engineer in the fields of technical acoustics, musical acoustics and psychoacoustics. Tom Wühle is now a Ph.D. student and research associate at the Institute of Acoustics and Speech Communication, Chair of Acoustic and Haptic Engineering, TUD. His research interests include spatial audio, psychoacoustics, electroacoustics, musical acoustics and digital signal processing. Tom Wühle is a member of the DEGA German Acoustical Society and AES student member.
Session List
Mar 23:
P21: Hearing/Perception
Perception of Auditory Events in Scenarios with Projected and Direct Sound from Various Directions (Author)