145th AES CONVENTION Presenters: Remi Vaucher

AES New York 2018 Presenter or Author

Remi Vaucher

Remi Vaucher

Primary Affiliation: QSC - Costa Mesa, CA, USA

After spending 20+ year designing electro-acoustic devices (transducers analysis, voicings, filtering, cabinet design...) in the french live sound concert equipment manufacturer NEXO, I am currently senior Technical Director in Costa Mesa (CAL-US) based QSC company, responsible of Live Sound speakers.
My main interests (beside family) are Basket Ball, Music and MATLAB.

More Info: http://www.aes.org/member/profile.cfm?ID=175079251

Session List

Oct 18: PD07: B Chain Sound System Product Specification: How Do We Address the Needs and Success of Our Customers? (Presenter)

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