AES New York 2018 Presenter or Author

John Kean
Primary Affiliation: Kean Consulting LLC - Washington DC, USA
For the past 11 years, John was Senior Technologist for NPR Labs, which develops and evaluates new technologies, procedures and standards on behalf of public radio. This involved him in dozens of leading technology projects, including audio loudness range, digital audio broadcasting, RF signal propagation analysis and signal mapping.
He first joined NPR in 1980, working on technology projects for the network and FCC regulatory activities on behalf of public radio. He left in 1986 for broadcast consulting work at Jules Cohen and Associates and later with Moffet, Larson and Johnson, and returned to NPR in 2004 to help establish NPR Labs. He recently retired from NPR and is now preparing a private consulting practice for audio and broadcast clients.
John is a past president of the IEEE Broadcast Symposium and the Washington DC Section of the AES, contributing authors to the NAB Engineering Handbook, editions 7, 8 and 9, and a recipient of the Association of Public Radio Engineers' Engineering Achievement Award.
Session List
Oct 18:
B08: Loudness for Streaming (Panelist)