145th AES CONVENTION Presenters: Parichat Songmuang

AES New York 2018 Presenter or Author

Parichat Songmuang

Parichat Songmuang

Primary Affiliation: New York University - New York, NY, USA

Parichat Songmuang is a current graduate pursuing her Master's degree in Music Technology at New York University. As an undergraduate, she had studied for her Bachelor of Science in Electronics Media and Film with a concentration in audio at Towson University, Maryland. Although having focused on sound design for film during her undergraduate years, her main interests lies within the field of music recording, ranging from recording techniques to the post-production stage. Recently, her research focuses on 3D reproduction, including 3D recording techniques. Her research has resulted in the creation of a compact 3D speaker: the Tetra-Speaker. The speaker has been used for reproducing a single sound source as well as creative audio performance.

In addition to her Master's, Parichat is also pursuing her Advanced Certificate in Tonmeister Studies at NYU. She is also the current president of the Society of Women in TeCHnology at NYU for the 2018-2019 year.

More Info: http://psongm2.wixsite.com/video-portfolio-blog

Session List

Oct 20: EB07: Posters: Applications in Audio
A New Compact 3D Reproduction System: The Tetra-Speaker (Author)

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