AES New York 2018 Presenter or Author

Rom Rosenblum
Primary Affiliation: Clear-Com Communications - Alameda, CA, USA
A child of the placid 50’s and tumultuous 60’s, Rom has always been a capable yet rebellious audio-guy. Originally in the music recording business as an engineer in NY and numerous other places around the world, and a long, Emmy Award Winning career in Live TV broadcasting. All who know him are aware that Rom worships at the altar of All Things Audio.
As one of the Applications Engineers at Clear-Com, he, like his compadres, works as a catch all fixer for folks who do tech support, new product design, system pre-sales design, product development, post-sales support and like any good bartender, acts as a psychotherapist to forlorn customers and integrators and end-users. Working to plan and set up trade show booths, helping to set new directions for gear and sales strategies, explain to Marketing, Engineering and Product Management what happens where the rubber meets the road are Rom’s forte. Rom travels around the globe commissioning systems, helping and teaching and absolutely loves his work.
Session List
Oct 19:
SR07: Intercom Systems Super Session (Panelist)