AES New York 2018 Presenter or Author

Cristian Eduardo Becerra Benítez
Primary Affiliation: Universidad Tecnologica de Chile INACAP - Santiago de Chile, Chile
Secondary Affiliation: SABE Sonido
AES Member Type: Member
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Professor at Universidad Tecnologica de Chile INACAP.
SABE Sonido co-founder.
He studied Sound Technology at Vicente Perez Rosales Technological University, today INACAP and gradually after doing his practice, he assumes different responsibilities within the institution as Head of Recording Facilities and Sound Reinforcement Equipment. Finally, in 1998, he received his degree as a sound technician, developing to this day an outstanding teaching work (Diploma for Teaching Excellence INACAP 2010) which he complement with his work in various areas of professional audio.
He has worked in the Post-Production area in several feature films. In the Musical Production area he has recorded, mixed and mastered productions of the Chilean bands "Destino" and "Transporte Urbano". He has also been in charge of FOH mixing and/or monitoring mixing for different Chilean bands like “Los Tres”, “Los Vasquez” and “Andres De Leon”.
He has been in charge of Sound System Design and optimization in different concerts throughout the national territory. Among his latest works he has done, get importance one in Arena Monticello for KC and the Sunshine Band and design and optimization of 360° sound systems at Teleton Theatre (Andrés de León), and at Caupolican Theatre (Americo).
Since 14 years he has been Technical Manager of International Audio Meetings held by INACAP, where he has also participated as a speaker. In August 2017, he participated as author and speaker in the 3rd AES International Conference on Sound Reinforcement, held in Struer, Denmark.
He currently works as professor in audio area at Technological University of Chile INACAP, develops research in the Sound Reinforcement area and is Technical Coordinator, System Engineer and FOH mixer for Andrés De León.
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Session List
Oct 19:
EB02: Live Sound, Recording, and Production
Loudness Metering in Sound Reinforcement: Utilities and Practical Considerations (Author)