AES New York 2018 Presenter or Author

Juha Backman
Primary Affiliation: Huawei Technologies - Tampere, Finland
Secondary Affiliation: Genelec Oy - Iisalmi, Finland
AES Member Type: Fellow
Born in Finland 1960. Graduated with MSc in Applied Physics and Acoustics from Helsinki University of Technology, 1991, but not quite managing to leave the academic world behind, first continuing as a research scientist until the end of 1994, and from that onwards continued teaching acoustics, nowadays giving a biannual course in electroacoustics. I joined Nokia Corporation at the end of 1994, and moved to Microsoft with the corporate merger in 2014, staying there as long the audio development for mobile devices continued. After taking the opportunity to explore various aspects of industrial applications of acoustics and signal analysis I now returned to telecommunications audio, joining Huawei Technologies in last June.
Publications include 12 granted patents in mobile phone technology, 2 JAES papers, and over 50 conference publications, mostly at AES Conventions. Most of these publications are related to loudspeakers, motivated by a desire to understand a bit deeper the underlying principles of these devices with apparently unlimited hidden complexity.
Audio Engineering Society activities include, besides the publications, serving as the Vice Chairman for Technical Committee on Loudspeakers and Headphones, being a member (and past chairman) of the AES Finnish Section, chairing the 16th and 51st AES International Conferences and being in the committees of 22nd, and 45th International Conferences. Awarded AES Fellowship in 2012.
Session List
Oct 18:
P06: Transducers—Part 2
Comparison of Dynamic Driver Current Feedback Methods (Author)