AES New York 2018 Presenter or Author

Trevor Cox
Primary Affiliation: University of Salford - Salford, UK
Trevor Cox is Professor of Acoustic Engineering at the University of Salford and a past president of the UK’s Institute of Acoustics (IOA). Trevor’s diffuser designs can be found in rooms around the world. He is co-author of “acoustic absorbers and diffusers” (3rd edition). He was award the IOA’s Tyndall Medal in 2004. He is currently working on two major audio projects. Making Sense of Sound is a Big Data project that combines perceptual testing and machine learning. S3A is investigating future technologies for spatial audio in the home.
Trevor was given the IOA award for promoting acoustics to the public in 2009. He has presented shows to 15,000 pupils including performing at the Royal Albert Hall. Trevor has presented many documentaries for BBC radio including: The Physicist’s Guide to the Orchestra. For his popular science book Sonic Wonderland he won an ASA Science Writing Award in 2015. His second pop sci book is Now You're Talking (2018). @trevor_cox
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Session List
Oct 18:
P07: Perception – Part 2
Perceptual Audio Evaluation of Media Device Orchestration Using the Multi-Stimulus Ideal Profile Method (Author)