AES New York 2018 Presenter or Author

Julian Moreira
Primary Affiliation: Cnam (CEDRIC) - Paris, France
Secondary Affiliation: Orange Labs - Lannion, France
In 2010, I obtained a Master's degree in Acoustics, with a specialization in music.
From 2011 to 2014 I worked as a R&D engineer for the Sony CSL (Computer Science Laboratory, Paris, France), in the music team. I developped the VirtualBand, a music interaction system based on style modeling. The idea behind VirtualBand is to capture essential elements of the style of a musician – either solo or comping styles – and reuse these elements for musical improvisation. For video examples, see for instance or
In 2015 I worked as a R&D engineer in the CEDRIC team of the CNAM university (Paris, France). The team is mainly focused on HCI research applied to video games. I worked on several projects, at the frontier between video games and art installations, using various technologies such as augmented reality.
Since 2016 I'm doing a PhD. on "Assessing the quality of experience of an audiovisual smartphone application in a context of mobility: the contribution of binaural sound". The thesis takes place and is funded by Orange Labs (Lannion, France), and is in partnership with CNAM university (CEDRIC team, Paris, France) and IRCAM (Acoustic and music research lab, Paris, France).
My topic is mainly related to four problematics:
1) The spatial perception of a binaural sound when coupled with a smartphone visual.
2) Defining the potential contribution of a binaural sound on a smartphone (contribution, what does it mean?)
3) The methodology to measure such a contribution in a mobile usage daily context.
4) Deploying effectively an experiment by choosing a context, an application, a method, etc.
Session List
Oct 20:
P18: Spatial Audio-Part 2 (Evaluation)
Spatial Auditory-Visual Integration: The Case of Binaural Sound on a Smartphone (Author)