145th AES CONVENTION Presenters: Jing Wang

AES New York 2018 Presenter or Author

Jing Wang

Jing Wang

Primary Affiliation: Beijing Institute of Technology - Beijing, China

JING WANG received the B.S and Ph.D. degrees in communication and information system from Beijing Institute of Technology(BIT), Beijing, China. She works as an Associate Professor at the Research Institute of Communication Technology (RICT), School of Information and Electronics, Beijing Institute of Technology. She has ever been a visiting scholar in the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK). Her current research is speech and audio signal processing, audio and video quality assessment and multimedia communication. She is IEEE Member, AES Member, Senior Member of CIC (China Institute of Communications), Senior Member of CIE (Chinese Institute of Electronics), Member of CCF (China Computer Federation), and an expert member of Digital Audio
and Video Coding Standard Workgroup (AVS) in China.

Session List

Oct 20: P18: Spatial Audio-Part 2 (Evaluation)
Influence of Visual Content on the Perceived Audio Quality in Virtual Reality (Author)

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