AES New York 2018 Presenter or Author

Frederik Nagel
Primary Affiliation: Fraunhofer Institute for Integrated Circuits IIS - Erlangen, Germany
Secondary Affiliation: International Audio Laboratories - Erlangen, Germany
Frederik Nagel received his degree in mathematics and computer science from Leibniz University Hannover in 2003. Subsequently, he obtained a PhD in systems neuroscience from Center for Systems Neuroscience, Hannover in 2006. He authored and co-authored several articles in the field of emotion and music, bandwidth extension, audio coding sonification, and audio quality evaluation.
After joining Fraunhofer IIS as post-doctoral researcher in 2007, he acted as the research coordinator . Since 2014, he is heading the AudioLabs-IIS department.
Frederik Nagel has contributed to the development of the MPEG Unified Speech and Audio Coder (USAC) and is involved in standardization of both, EVS and MPEG-H. As part of his participation in meetings of the ITU-R SG 6, he actively contributes to the work of both WP6B and WP6C.
Session List
Oct 17:
P01: Perception – Part 1
On the Influence of Cultural Differences on the Perception of Audio Coding Artifacts in Music (Author)
Oct 20:
P18: Spatial Audio-Part 2 (Evaluation)
Influence of Visual Content on the Perceived Audio Quality in Virtual Reality (Author)