AES New York 2018 Presenter or Author

Kazuho Ono
Primary Affiliation: NHK Science & Technology Research Laboratories - Setagaya-ku, Tokyo, Japan
AES Member Type: Fellow
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Kazuho Ono received the B.E. and M.E. degrees in instrumentation physics from the University of Tokyo, in 1989 and 1991, respectively. In 1991
Kazuho joined NHK (Japan Broadcasting Corporation) and worked in Science and Technology Research Laboratories (STRL) with an emphasis on 3-dimensional sound reproduction systems using loudspeaker arrays and development of electro acoustical transducers.
He is contributor to the design and development of the 100 kHz super-wide frequency range microphone by expanding the design method to a cardioid pattern with a double capsule, for which he received an award from the Acoustical Society of Japan in 2008. He also received same award in 2013 for a narrow angle directional microphone design.
In 2009 he was awarded for the development of a high functionality microphone from the Foundation of Broadcasting Culture in 2009.
His research interest includes algorithms for artificial reverberation, and auditory modeling. In 2001 he was a visiting researcher at Helsinki University of Technology.
Kazuho is involved in the development of the 22.2 multichannel sound system for 8K Super Hi-Vision, and contributed to 8K test broadcasting.
He has published two journal papers in the JAES, and authored/co-authored many convention papers for AES.
He has been actively engaged as an AES member since 1999. In the AES Japan Section, he consecutively occupied the position of Secretary, Vice Chair and Chair. His contributions to the organization of regional conferences/conventions of AES Japan chapter include holding positions of Convention Vice Chair and Convention/Conference Paper Chair. He served as Paper Co-Chair of the 40th International AES Conference on Spatial Audio.
Kazuho is now working for the TC and SC of the AES, and in 2016 received an AES fellowship award.
Session List
Oct 17:
P03: Recording and Production
Algorithm to Determine Downmixing Coefficients from Specific Multichannel Format to Reproduction Format with a Smaller Number of Channels (Author)
Oct 17:
B03: Advanced Audio for Television Broadcast (Panelist)
Oct 19:
P12: Transducers—Part 3
Shotgun Microphone with High Directivity by Extra-Long Acoustic Tube and Digital Noise Reduction (Author)
Oct 20:
P16: Spatial Audio
Design and Implementation of a Binaural Reproduction Controller Applying Output Tracking Control (Author)