AES New York 2018 Presenter or Author

Joaquín García-Gómez
Primary Affiliation: University of Alcalá - Alcalá de Henares, Madrid, Spain
Session List
Oct 18:
P08: Acoustics and Signal Processing
Combining the Signals of Sound Sources Separated from Different Nodes after a Pairing Process Using an STFT-Based GCC-PHAT (Author)
Oct 18:
P11: Applications in Audio
Solar Powered Autonomous Node for Wireless Acoustic Sensor Networks Based on ARM Cortex M4 (Author)
Precision Maximization in Anger Detection in Interactive Voice Response Systems (Author)
Oct 19:
P14: Perception
Analysis of the performance of Evolved Frequency Log-Energy Coefficients in Hearing Aids for different Cost Constraints and Scenarios (Author)