AES New York 2018 Presenter or Author

Inma Mohíno-Herranz
Primary Affiliation: University of Alcalá - Alcalá de Henares, Madrid, Spain
Inma Mohino-Herranz received her Ph.D degree
in Information Technologies and Communications
in 2017, graduated as B.E. degree
in Electronics engineer and B.E.
degree Telecommunication engineer in 2012 and 2010, respectively.
She obtained her M.Sc. Degree in Information Technologies and Communications in 2015, from the University of Alcala (Spain).
From 2012 she is currently a Researcher in the
Signal Theory Department at University of Alcala
working in the areas of emotion recognition, acoustic
signal processing, speech processing, biological
signal processing and automatic speech recognition to classify.
Session List
Oct 18:
P11: Applications in Audio
Precision Maximization in Anger Detection in Interactive Voice Response Systems (Author)
Oct 19:
P14: Perception
Analysis of the performance of Evolved Frequency Log-Energy Coefficients in Hearing Aids for different Cost Constraints and Scenarios (Author)