144th AES CONVENTION The Power of Sound Track Event W13: Object-Based Audio Broadcasting: Practical Aspects

AES Milan 2018
The Power of Sound Track Event W13

Thursday, May 24, 13:15 — 14:30 (Arena 3 & 4)

Workshop: W13 - Object-Based Audio Broadcasting: Practical Aspects

Matthieu Parmentier, francetélévisions - Paris, France
Dominique Brulhart, Merging Technologies - Puidoux, Switzerland
Rupert Brun, Fraunhofer IIS - Erlangen, Germany
Christophe Chabanne, Dolby Laboratories - Valbonne, France
Michael Kratschmer, Fraunhofer Institute for Integrated Circuits IIS - Erlangen, Germany
Scott Norcross, Dolby Laboratories - San Francisco, CA, USA

This workshop will offer a state of the art of object-based audio for live broadcasting and post-production. The discussion will underline the role of the Audio Definition Model as an open format for production exchange.

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