144th AES CONVENTION Presenters: Areti Andreopoulou

AES Milan 2018 Presenter or Author

Areti Andreopoulou

Areti Andreopoulou

Primary Affiliation: Laboratory of Music Acoustics and Technology (LabMAT) National and Kapodistrian University of Athens - Athens, Greece

Dr. Areti Andreopoulou is an Assistant Professor in the Laboratory of Music Acoustics and Technology (LabMAT) at the University of Athens, Greece. She has a bachelor’s degree in music studies from the University of Athens (2005) and a Master’s (2008) and a Ph.D degree (2014) in music technology from New York University. Her fields of interest include spatial audio, the design and evaluation of immersive environments, auditory displays, acoustics, and data sonification.

Session List

May 23: P02: Audio Quality Part 1
Comparing the Effect of HRTF Processing Techniques on Perceptual Quality Ratings (Author)

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