AES Milan 2018 Presenter or Author
Gilles Courtois
Primary Affiliation: Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (EPFL) - Lausanne, Switzerland
Gilles Courtois was born in Thann, France, in 1989. He received his M.Sc. in Electrical Engineering from the National Institute of Applied Science (INSA), Lyon, France in 2012. Then, he joined the Signal Processing Laboratory (LTS2) at the Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland, where he obtained a PhD in hearing technologies. Since 2012, he has worked in collaboration with Sonova AG, Stäfa, Swizerland, in the research and development of new functionalities for “Roger” wireless transmitters and receivers. He also holds a certificate of GCP (Good Clinical Practice) and directed a clinical trial to test some signal processing features on hearing-impaired aided subjects.
His research interests include hearing technologies, hearing aids, audiology, clinical research and audio signal processing/electronics. He is a member of the French and Swiss Acoustical Societies, and of the Audio Engineering Society. He participated in several international conferences.
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Session List
May 25:
P21: Posters: Audio Coding and Quality
Subjective Evaluation of a Spatialization Feature for Hearing Aids by Normal-Hearing and Hearing-Impaired Subjects (Author)