144th AES CONVENTION Presenters: Konstantinos Kaleris

AES Milan 2018 Presenter or Author

Konstantinos Kaleris

Konstantinos Kaleris

Primary Affiliation: University of Patras - Patras, Greece

Konstantinos Kaleris is a PhD candidate at the Audio and Acoustic Technology group of the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department of the University of Patras. His research interests are mainly in the fields of a) laser-induced breakdown for laser-sound generation, b) novel analog and digital signal modulation methods and c) computational acoustics. He has worked as a software developer for companies in Germany, Cyprus and the United States. He carried out his research internship at ICFO, Barcelona, Spain. He also holds a music diploma in classical guitar.

Session List

May 23: P05: Posters: Applications
Dual-Band PWM for Filterless Class-D Audio Amplification (Author)

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