AES New York 2017 Presenter or Author

Robert Ridihalgh
Primary Affiliation: Microsoft - Redmond, Washington, USA
A 25 year veteran of the game industry, Robert is an audio programmer, sound designer, composer, and voice recording specialist. He has shipped over 120 titles on multiple platforms from the Super Nintendo in the early 90’s to today’s latest consoles.
As Senior Audio Specialist and Programmer at Electronic Arts (6 years) and prior to that, Manley and Associates (4 years), He was responsible for designing audio systems and tools, audio programming, game programming, audio directing, voice recording management, sound design, and composition.
Robert co-founded OMNI Audio in 2002 as CTO. He designed, built and consulted on full audio systems for games, audio directed, sound designed and worked as a consulting audio programmer for many major publishers.
Robert is now Senior Technical Audio Specialist for Microsoft's Advanced Technology Group.
Session List
Oct 19:
GA07: Spatial Sound for Console and PC Games (Presenter)