143rd AES CONVENTION Presenters: Denis Labrecque

AES New York 2017 Presenter or Author

Denis Labrecque

Denis Labrecque

Primary Affiliation: DeLab Consulting - Half Moon Bay, CA, USA
AES Member Type: Member

Denis Labrecque is the owner of DeLab Consulting, a company specializing in Pro Audio marketing and product development. DeLab Consulting is currently working to define and market a new audio development and project platform featuring the new SHARC SC-589 dual-core SHARC + ARM from Analog Devices. Denis is also marketing consultant and one of the sound designers for moForte, developers of Wizdom Music’s GeoShred Pro, a professional musical instrument for iOS devices that lets you create music using a powerful physical model of the guitar.

Denis has nearly 40 years’ experience in the audio industry, starting with Synare Electronic drums in the 70’s, then serving as Vice President of Passport Designs, the pioneering MIDI software company, through the 90’s. Denis has also worked at Emu Systems and Staccato Systems, a Stanford CCRMA (“Karma”) offshoot. Prior to starting DeLab Consulting, Denis was Pro Audio Business Development lead and a DSP Division Marketing Manager at Analog Devices.

DeLab Consulting can be contacted at www.linkedin.com/in/denlab

More Info: http://www.delabconsulting.com

Session List

Oct 20: EC11: Teaching Electronic Musical Instrument Design: Technologies and Techniques (Panelist)

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