AES New York 2017 Presenter or Author

Amelia Trematerra
Primary Affiliation: Universitá della Campania "Luigi Vanvitelli" - Aversa, Italy
Gratuated in Architecture, I completed a PhD in "Rapresentation, Protection and Safety of the Environment and Structures and theTterritory's Government". My research has mainly affected the following areas: acoustics, room acoustics, acoustic characteristics of materials, vibration control. In the field of Acoustics, I investigated architectural acoustics of ancient theaters and underground locations, and through simulations with forward - software, hypothesized reconstructions and corrections for a modern use of the same. In Environmental Acoustics, I studied the effects of noise on humans generated by wind turbines and possible solutions. As part of Acoustics of the materials were investigated theoretical, methodological and application. I am of a patent co-author for the realization of a "Jacket whind sound absorbing hood".
Of these research topics are co-author and author of about 30 articles published in journals, books and proceedings of national and international conferences.
Session List
Oct 20:
P15: Applications in Audio
Evaluation of the Acoustics of the Roman Theater in Benevento for Discreet Listening Points (Author)