AES New York 2017 Presenter or Author

John Vanderkooy
Primary Affiliation: University of Waterloo - Waterloo, ON, Canada
John has presented many AES papers over the years on a range of topics, many with his colleague Stanley Lipshitz, both founding members of the Audio Research Group at the University of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada. Since retirement, John and his wife Judy have spent winters in the UK at the Steyning Research Establishment of Bowers and Wilkins. He continues both the supervision of graduate students and his audio research at the University of Waterloo. Some recent work includes the non-linear acoustics of the trumpet, infrasound measurements in cars and from wind turbines, and promoting an open-source acoustic measurement system.
Session List
Oct 19:
P10: Transducers—Part 2
Loudspeakers as Microphones for Infrasound (Author)
Oct 21:
P17: Applications in Audio
An Acoustic Study of Airbag Deployment in Vehicles (Author)