143rd AES CONVENTION Presenters: Jason Corey

AES New York 2017 Presenter or Author

Jason Corey

Jason Corey

Primary Affiliation: University of Michigan - Ann Arbor, MI, USA

Jason Corey, Ph.D. is Associate Dean for Graduate Studies and Research and Associate Professor of Performing Arts Technology at the University of Michigan School of Music Theatre & Dance. He has taught courses in sound recording, technical ear training, and musical acoustics, and is active as a recording engineer of symphonic band, jazz, orchestral, chamber, and experimental electronic music. His research is concerned with technical ear training and critical listening, music perception and cognition, and the development of audio processing tools for multichannel audio with applications in music and film sound recording. The second edition of his book Audio Production and Critical Listening: Technical Ear Training was published in 2017 by Routledge.

He was elected as a Governor of the Audio Engineering Society for 2013 through 2015, and he served as Chair of the Audio Engineering Society Education Committee from 2004 to 2008. He served as Papers Chair for the AES 50th International Conference on Audio Education in 2013. He is the founder of the AES Student Section at the University of Michigan, serving as its faculty advisor since 2003. He is currently serving as AES Vice-President for the Central Region, USA/Canada.

Jason Corey is a member of the Audio Engineering Society; the Acoustical Society of America; the International Computer Music Association; College Music Society; the Society for Music Perception and Cognition; and a voting member of the National Academy of Recording Arts and Sciences.

More Info: https://sites.google.com/a/umich.edu/jason-corey/

Session List

Oct 21: TW10: Towards the New Horizon of Technical Ear Training (Panelist)

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