Monday, May 22, 13:00 — 15:00 (Salon 7 Vienna)
Hyunkook Lee (Chair), Enda Bates (Panelist), Gavin Kearney (Panelist), Henrik Oppermann (Panelist), Tom Parnell (Panelist), Ulli Scuda (Panelist)
The rapid rise of VR is increasing the need for 360-deg binaural audio as well as video in order to provide users with a fully immersive and realistic experience. Although the theory and workflow for binaural object rendering is relatively well understood now, optimal microphone techniques for capturing acoustic sound for VR have not been fully discussed yet. This workshop invites recording experts from the industry and academia to discuss the theories and practices of various microphone techniques for capturing 360-deg VR audio, including First-Order Ambisonics (FOA), Higher-Order Ambisonics (HOA), Equal Segment Microphone Array (ESMA), and some of the currently available proprietary techniques. The panels will discuss the pros and cons of each technique and its suitability for different applications. The session will also provide practical examples of binaural recordings made using the techniques to be discussed.