Primary Affiliation: Fraunhofer Institute for Integrated Circuits IIS - Erlangen, Germany
Secondary Affiliation: International Audio Laboratories - Erlangen, Germany
Frederik Nagel received his degree in mathematics and computer science from Leibniz University Hannover in 2003. Subsequently, he obtained a PhD in systems neuroscience from Center for Systems Neuroscience, Hannover in 2006. He authored and co-authored several articles in the field of emotion and music, bandwidth extension, audio coding, audio quality evaluation, and time stretching algorithms.
After joining Fraunhofer IIS as post-doctoral researcher in 2007, he acted as the research coordinator in the International Audio Laboratories Erlangen from 2011 and led the Emerging Audio Research (EAR) group. In 2014, he was appointed to the head of department of AudioLabs-IIS.
Frederik Nagel has contributed to the development of the MPEG Unified Speech and Audio Coder (USAC) and is involved in standardization of both, EVS and MPEG-H. As part of his participation in meetings of the ITU-R SG 6 WP6B and 6C, he recently contributed to the revisions of ITU-R BS.1534 (MUSHRA) and ITU-R BS.1116.
Oct 1:
P19: Signal Processing—Part 1
Intelligent Gap Filling in Perceptual Transform Coding of Audio (Author)