Friday, September 30, 9:00 am — 9:30 am (Theater Room 411)
Virtual, Augmented, and Mixed Reality have the potential of delivering interactive experiences that take us to places of emotional resonance, give us agency to form our own experiential memories and become part of the everyday lives we will live in the future. Philip Lelyveld will define what Virtual, Augmented, and Mixed Reality are, present recent developments that will shape how they will potentially impact entertainment, work, learning, social interaction, and life in general, and raise rarely-mentioned but important issues that will impact how VR/AR/MR is adopted. Just as TV programming progressed from live broadcasts of staged performances to today’s very complex language of multithread long-form content, so VR/AR/MR will progress from the current “early days” of projecting existing media language with a few tweaks into a headset experience to a new VR/AR/MR-specific language that both the creatives and the audience understand. Philip's goal is to bring you up to speed on the current state, the potential, and the known barriers to adoption of Virtual, Augmented, and Mixed Reality.
Price: This session is part of the co-located AVAR Conference which is not included in the normal convention All Access badge.